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what you want ...


The Eder Voting

The Eder Collection

The SEPP has been nominated. It has been nominated for the coolest pool of 2025 in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland. Our infinity pool at the top of the rooftop is exSEPPtional. We …


The exSEPPtional Ride

18 to 21 SEPPtember 2025

There may be the ''Hell of a Ride'' in Kitzbühel. And the ''Grand Prix de Monaco'' on the Côte d'Azur. But nowhere is it more remarkably unusual, exciting and unexpectedly open-minded …



August 2025

Hundreds of mountain hikers, Maria Almer music and twenty-eight kilometres. The "Baschtlmäigee" has existed since 1635. The pilgrimage through the middle of the Steinernes …


Music festival

August 2025

Put on your fancy lederhosen. Put on your extravagant dirndl. And you're sitting in church. At the festive service. And later in the village square. With beer, crackers, fun, music, chat, …


The exSEPPtional Tasting

SEPPtember 2025

Tight legs. Fine wines. And you're already in the middle of a day with Leo Hillinger. First you cycle through the Pinzgau region. Among top athletes, fanatics and wine connoisseurs. And …


Pink Ribbon Gala Night

September 2025

Out of love for life, the "5th Pink Ribbon Gala Night" takes place at eder. The initiator is hotelier and power woman Tanja Schwaiger, who wants to support families affected by cancer after …


Tavern Sunday on Friday


At the eder, people chat, yodel, laugh, dance, whine, eat and drink. Together with Gstanzl singer Bene Weber and the two musicians "Tom & Basti". In the centre of the green hall and on …


Trailrunning Festival

30.05.2025 - 01.06.2025

Cramping calves and real muscle tremors. Fluacharei and exuberance. Crunchy trails and tantalising downhills. Adrenalin and gnashing of teeth. People come together at the 10th Hochkönigman …


Village evening

Summer 2025

In the centre of the village square. Right in the centre of the action. And among the locals. In the summer months, on Tuesdays and in summer weather, the stage is set up. For the "village …


Eder Kitchen Project

Extraordinary. Unique. Remarkable. That's not just SEPP's claim. Pleasure enthusiasts, life visionaries and taste connoisseurs all agree. Nowhere is as casual, modern and connected as in …


The exSEPPtional Culinary Festival

There may be many attics in the Salzburg village of Maria Alm, at the foot of the Steinernes Meer. Nevertheless, adventurous adults, pleasure enthusiasts and life visionaries agree: nowhere …


One Night at SEPP

The SEPP is one that is also available for one night. And knows how to impress. With its charming extravagance on the one hand. And with the short journey from the Salzburg region on the …


Motivation training

Business with the Eder Collection means moving things forward. All three locations offer a creative and inspiring atmosphere for corporate events such as team-buildings, conferences and …


Healthy and safe through the winter

The winter sun shines brightly, the snow glistens like a thousand diamonds, you glide down the mountain on your skis or snowboard, only to go straight back up again for another round - …


Mountain summer

The sun bathes the mountains in a magical light. The scent of flowers, meadows and forests is everywhere. Birds are chirping and cowbells are ringing from the mountain pastures. Alpine …


Events throughout the year

The motto "in the thick of it together" defines the lifestyle at Hotel SEPP. Sport, micro-events and themed weekends bring people together here. Whether it's an iconic classic car event, …


60 years of Eder

In 2021, the Hotel eder is celebrating a very special anniversary: exactly 60 years ago, the foundation stone for the success story of the host family was laid with the Gasthof Eder in …


Skiing is healthy!

Let's just call a spade a spade: Corona is on everyone's mind. So we thought about the best way to start this article. Honesty is a good guide, we think. After all, health is a sensitive …


Earth bear x SEPP

Erdbär is much more than just a brand of ecologically and fairly produced clothing. The Erdbär team see themselves as world changers who want to make the world a little better with their …


We are family

We always emphasised togetherness, so Grandma Franzi attached great importance to having lunch together. It's a shame that this food cult is partly lost today. Spending time with the …


Good luck from the Hoamat

"See, the good is so close" Goethe already knew. And he was right. So many good things grow and thrive in our homeland. And our industrious neighbours conjure up hearty and sweet delicacies …


In harmony with nature

Sustainability is very important to us, especially in view of our alpine, nature-loving location. This is not about empty words or even marketing platitudes. It's not about pointing the …


“Snow Mountains”

Organising for guests and customers in a variety of ways is fun. After spending a few years abroad and gaining experience in various businesses, it was clear to me in 2010 that it was time …



Organising for guests and customers in a variety of ways is fun. After spending a few years abroad and gaining experience in various businesses, it was clear to me in 2010 that it was time …


SEPP featuring NENI

Family feeling and joie de vivre packed into a cooking pot. Stirred vigorously. Seated at a table. And shared with family and friends. That's NENI. And because it fits so well with SEPP's …


Roots and wings

"There are hundreds of little details. All lovingly thought out and realised. I invite you to discover them with us." Sepp Schwaiger


Hotelier of the year 2019

It's done: our host Josef "Sepp" Schwaiger is Hotelier of the Year 2019!!! Originally starting as an outsider and unexpectedly nominated as a finalist, Sepp finally brought victory to Maria …


Charity campaign

Enjoying your own happiness while contributing to the happiness of others - that's the idea behind a special culinary event organised by hotelier Josef Schwaiger and gourmet chef Markus …


Tanja’s insights

For me, being a host together with our family is a wonderful task. I want to show my son that even in stressful times, there is room for family, that we are grateful and most importantly: …



Business with the Eder Collection means moving things forward. All three locations offer a creative and inspiring atmosphere for corporate events such as team-buildings, conferences and …


Hotelier of the year

Our host Josef "Sepp" Schwaiger is a passionate hotelier and host and is always there for his guests with total commitment. For his tireless efforts, Sepp has been nominated as "Hotelier of …


Herbert Pixner

Life is celebrated at SEPP. Together in the centre of it all. Of course, this also includes good sound. And because everyone at SEPP is a bit out of the ordinary anyway, exceptional artist …


Stefanie Millinger

Although there is no universal recipe for relaxation, it can be agreed that there is no better way to recover from eventful days of skiing than in the infinity pool filled with thermal …



Sleep really well, wake up deeply relaxed and full of energy - that's the motto for sleep quality at Eder Hotels. Because healthy sleep is so good for you and is very important for …


Connoisseur Circle


Connoisseur Circle award - the SEPP is in 3rd place! It is now in black and white: the SEPP is not only extraordinarily unexpected, it is also one of the 222 best hotels in Austria. …


Stay healthy

High standards of cleanliness and hygiene have been an important part of our everyday hotel life, and not just since Corona. But special times naturally require special measures. We have …


Forced break

In order to protect our valued guests, employees, families and suppliers, we have to close the Hotel eder and the Hotel SEPP on Monday, 16 March 2020 with a heavy heart, following the …