Erdbär x SEPP = exSEPPtional Couture

Erdbär x SEPP = exSEPPtional Couture

Erdbär is much more than a brand of ecologically and fairly produced clothing. The Erdbär team sees itself as worldchangers who want to make the world a little better with their innovative products and forward-looking ideas. In doing so, the Worldchangers live values such as mindfulness, respect, trust, tolerance and gratitude.


Just stop, pause for a moment and enjoy nature. These moments of calm help on good and especially on not so good days. For Erdbär, mindfulness already begins in conversation with the other person. This includes simply listening and ignoring the smartphone. Mindfulness helps to reflect. That way, you can go into yourself better and think before you possibly say something rash.


At Erdbär, respect is the cornerstone of successful communication at eye level. This includes that everyone is allowed to express themselves freely. This also helps to avoid or eliminate potential conflicts. Respect for nature and Mother Earth is also an important value that is capitalized at Erdbär.


As a basis for a successful cooperation, at Erdbär every employee and every partner has a trust. The Erdbär principle is to believe in the good in people and thus give everyone a good feeling. Self-confidence to master one's own life is also part of it, to go through the world more relaxed and to believe that everything is possible.


The Erdbär team attaches great importance to surrounding themselves only with tolerant people in their own circle. A diverse society with the most diverse people from the most diverse cultures requires a tolerant mindset. Because every person is the same. Tolerance does not judge, but sees.


"We are grateful for every day, every opportunity. We are happy about every customer and everyone who supports our project," states the Erdbär team and is convinced that people are happy who also appreciate the little things in life. Gratitude gives a good feeling of being happy for what we have. At the same time, it is important to keep an eye on one's own goal. At the Erdbär team, this is to get people excited about sustainability.


Erdbär stands for the change that our society so desperately needs. The clothing is organic, fair and simply better - for a self-confident appearance of the young savages, explorers, lateral thinkers, travelers as well as driven, creative and courageous people of this world. In other words, for all those who make a difference.

The term Worldchanger summarizes the possibilities to initiate changes in one's own life and in the lives of others. With its sustainable clothing, Erdbär creates a symbol of the spirit of paying attention, feeling and living.

We have taken up this spirit together. Thus, in cooperation with Erdbär, a unique "exSEPPtional Couture" has been created, proudly staged by the SEPP team as part of the Worldchanger movement and available for all fans in the SEPP Store.

Be brave - be a #worldchanger!

SEPP Peak Motion 2020 01 0826 Kopie
SEPP Peak Motion 2020 01 0764 Kopie
SEPP Peak Motion 2020 01 0844 Kopie
SEPP Peak Motion 2020 01 0769 Kopie